Dressed up for a very special occasion in your favorite outfit but when you look at your sneakers, you are not happy. You aren’t able to select the right pair of sneakers that match your outfit exactly, and now you run the risk of embarrassment, persuading yourself not to attend the function. I find myself confused about which brand to buy a new pair of sneakers from. Sneakers are available in wide range of color, shape, model and brands out of which Vans is one. These brands have provided you with the option of buying online or in-store. Each of these options have their own respective benefits. Buying sneakers in-store provide you with option of having a closer look towards the sneakers. You can  wear it, and have a look at other options as well.

You are buying vans sneakers from an online store . It is totally dependent on you whether of  buying vans sneakers online or in-store.

This article focuses on 5 things that you should beware of when buying a pair of vans sneakers.



  1. Inspect the stitching – When you are buying vans sneakers, try to have a closer look towards the sneakers. Always try to hold the vans sneakers in your hand and carefully look at the stitching. Each thread is carefully stitched during the production of the Vans sneakers. The stitching of the fake vans sneakers does not remain for longer time and threads will come out in short time.
  2. Buy From Authorized Retailers – You are  confused of buying vans sneakers. The best way to check for the authentication of vans sneakers is to buy it from the authorized retailers. It’s totally your choice whether you buy It from vans – official store or buy it from online retailers. Buying vans sneakers from an authorized retailers ensure that you are getting the right deal. When you buy it from authorized retailers you are not targeted for any scam.
  3. Feel the quality – When you are buying vans sneakers beware of trying it and feel the quality. Real vans sneakers are made of high-quality material and craftmanship. When you will hold the sneakers in your hand you will feel the difference. The fabric is sturdy but flexible and the sole is solid and has a durable feel.
  4. Check the logo – Try to have a closer look at the logo of the van’s sneakers. The logo will help you in differentiating between the real and fake vans sneakers. The symbol of the real vans sneakers has “V” touching “A” at the top right corner and the lines between “A” should be parallel. Person selling fake vans sneakers might make mistake in these details, so always keep an eye on the logo when buying a pair of vans sneakers.
  5. Verify with Vans – You seems to be in doubt whether you had bought the original or fake vans sneakers. The solution is reach out to the Vans directly for clarification. You can contact them by using their customer service number or visit to the store for checking your shoes. Vans is highly concerned for their respect and is helping the customers in checking the authentication of their sneakers.


Buying vans sneakers seems to be a difficult task but if you have a complete knowledge about the company and keeping an eye on the quality standards and will help you. You will be able to choose the right sneakers with these important things, and you will avoid any sneaker scams. Keep in mind few important things such as the logo, quality, stitching, packaging, color, material and craftmanship you can easily choose the right pair of sneakers for you. When purchasing sneakers from authenticated retailers, ensure that you are  buying vans sneakers only from the company’s authorized websites. Make a lot of research before buying vans sneakers so that you get the right deal.


Question1 What is most important consideration when buying vans sneakers?

Answer 1 When you are buying the sneakers always remember to check the quality of the sneakers. Carefully read the product description which will help you in choosing the right pair of sneakers. Also check the size of the sneakers by wearing it. Buy sneakers from authorized retailers.

Question2 Should sneakers be loose or tight?

Answer 2 It depends on your foot size whether you want loose or tight sneakers.

Question3 What age buys the most sneakers?

Answer3 The most buyers of sneakers are the youngsters. This is the time period when they want to look stylish and they spend a lot of time in searching for the sneakers that best suits their look.

Question4 Does cleaning your shoes make them last longer?

Answer 4 Yes cleaning shoes properly makes them last longer.

Question 5 How to protect your sneakers?

Answer 5 When you are not wearing the sneakers you should properly put them inside the sneaker box. Regularly clean your sneakers with a clean cloth and then apply a liquid solution on it to remove dust.


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